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July 7, 2016

USAF apartment building renovation in Thule, Greenland

Photo: Thule AFB, Greenland

The USAF has awarded to Adserballe & Knudsen Greenland the renovation, and expansion of a 2.800 m2 apartment building at Thule AFB in Greenland. The design/build contract, totaling 128 million dkk, will be completed during the summer of 2017. The design/build contract team includes prime consultant Hollingsworth Pack Aps, KM Consulting and sub-consultant Masanti in Nuuk, Greenland.

Det amerikanske luftvåben har tildelt Adserballe & Knudsen Greenland opgaven med at renovere, ombygge og udvide et lejlighedskompleks på knap 2.800 etagemeter på Thule Air Base i Grønland. Totalentreprisen løber op i 128 millioner kroner og skal udføres i løbet sommerhalvåret 2017. Totalentreprisen løses i samarbejde med totalrådgiver Hollingsworth Pack Aps, KM Consulting og underrådgiver Masanti i Nuuk.

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