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November 17, 2016

Multiple year framework agreements with Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Photo: William Tower in Houston, TX, house of the Danish Consulate.

Together with prime consultant EKJ Consulting Engineers A/S, Hollingsworth Pack has been awarded three multiple-year framework agreements to assist the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs with A/E consulting services on diplomatic missions worldwide.  The team is currently working for the Ministry as the project and construction manager, for the New Danish Embassy in New Delhi, India.

Det danske Udenrigsministerium har tildelt EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S og Hollingsworth Pack tre flerårige rammeaftaler, som tilsammen dækker hele verden. Virksomhederne er allerede engageret som projekt – og byggeleder for UM i forbindelse med opførelsen af en ny dansk ambassade i New Delhi, Indien.

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