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September 27, 2018

Krueck & Sexton support for a historical study of the US Ambassador's residence in Stockholm, Sweden

Hollingsworth Pack has been selected to support the team of Krueck & Sexton in a historical study of the US Ambassador's residence in Stockholm, Sweden. The Department of State, Bureau of Overseas Building Operations is the client. The work is continuation of Hollingsworth Pack's support of the US Embassy of Sweden, using the experience gained on a similar report for the Ambassador's residence in Denmark.

Den Amerikanske tegnestue Krueck & Sexton har valgt Hollingsworth Pack som samarbejdspartner til udarbejdelsen af en historisk analyse af Ambassadørboligen ved Den Amerikanske Ambassade i Stockholm.  Arbejdet står i forlængelse af Hollingsworth Packs mangeårige samarbejde med Ambassaden i Stockholm. Desuden har Hollingsworth Pack været med til en lignende rapport for Den Amerikanske Ambassadørbolig i Danmark.

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